Managing your financial institution’s cybersecurity plan can be as scary as the attacks themselves. It’s a complex process with a lot of questions you need to answer, complicated by regulatory requirements and the need to engage more frequently with outside security auditors. You don’t have to do it alone—join Secur-Serv’s cybersecurity experts as we ask and answer some of the most pressing questions to consider when starting to create a cybersecurity plan.

We’ll explore the answers to questions such as:

  • Do you have a phishing campaign strategy?
  • Can your staff identify whether they have ransomware?
  • Does your organization understand SIEM reports?
  • How prepared is your organization to respond to a cybersecurity audit?
  • Is your organization secured to a baseline security standard?

Don’t miss our handy checklist of how the webinar’s topics match up to FFIEC baseline requirements.

Featured Speaker

Arturo Romero, Senior Security Engineer, Secur-Serv

